Thursday, February 15, 2018

Greg Young - The art of destroying software

Greg Young - The art of destroying software from tretton37 on Vimeo.

"The difference between great code and sucky code is the size of the program"

"Optimize for deletion"

"Rule of thumb a microservice should not be bigger than one week of work"


Cowboy / fireman hat sounds like a crazy idea that might actually work :D

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Just a quick note to self, for the fastest (paid) SSL certificates, use: ssllabs.

To fix any trust chain issues that you might encounter (especially on mobile browsers!) use:

IF for some reason the does not work for you (happened to me recently) you can get the chain part online from create a new file and paste your certificate as the first one and paste the chain right after the original (no spaces and remember to leave the "--- begin..." and  "--- end" parts).

Update 21.01.2020

For some certificates from we had an issue in generating a certificate chain on the above-mentioned sites:

Cannot generate a chain because this certificate is self-signed or signed by a certificate authority that is not widely trusted by clients.  Details:

* The chain ends with a root certificate that's not widely trusted by clients: C=PL, O=Unizeto Technologies S.A., OU=Certum Certification Authority, CN=Certum Trusted Network CA

Using this site helped in certificate chain generation:

Friday, May 26, 2017

BB Hack Day #01

A very nice initiative, without additional stress I was able to do some of the things from my ever growing project TODO list that usually get pushed down in the priority queue.

Node version changing made easy:

Simply `n` launches a select node version screen
Typing `n 6.10.3` will install and switch to node version 6.10.3

Simple, fast and super efficient!

Visual Studio code & Es5 to Es6 plugin

Visual Studio Code, I used webstorm for the past  +1 year (2 maybe?)  and really enjoyed working with it. However my version is not getting any younger and does not support for more than ES5 so a change had to be made! Since most of the office is working on Visual Studio code the choice was obvious.

As for the plugin:

Helps removing a lot of boilerplate code, take advantage of more strict variable declaration  and most importantly it's one step further to transition old code projects to something a bit more up to date.

As a fun fact I can say that after running this plugin on a legacy code controller there was a saving of only  20 lines of code but the keyword function count dropped from 125 to ... 2. That is a lot of nice and clean arrow functions!

DB migration

Just a note to self, checking that no one else is using your local db remotely was a good move but doing a local backup before reinstalling (just in case) is a good move that I should remember to do not only on production servers. Local backups are also useful!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Unity EZReplayManager misplaced children

EZReplayManages seems like a nice plugin for unity, I am currently working with it and have encountered a annoying bug. From time to time after pressing replay some of the child objects get misplaced for example:

Before pressing replay

After pressing replay

After reading the support thread on the official Unity forum I can say that I am not the first one to encounter this issue however I believe that I am the first one to officially create a scene that allows its reproduction.

If you are wandering what was the path to reproduce this bug the answer is simple. I took a single failing object and started to remove all scripts and child objects one by one until I noticed that if the first child element of the root is a disabled element the child element positions get mixed up.

I hope that thanks to this scene EZRM devs will be able to fix the issue.

If you would like to follow the support thread you can find it here.

If you would like to reproduce the bug on your own you can find the scene here

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Unity Remote 4 iOS

For all of you who want to develop iOS, unity remote 4 might sound like a good way. It streams the game output straight from your game view onto your device screen ( the quality is much lowered but you should get at least a glimpse of how it will look like.

It is a good tool for prototyping UI, it will allow you to quickly see the overall layout.

However I did not notice anyone saying one important thing about unity remote, it does not support touch input. For some this may be obvious, but I am pretty sure that there are also a lot of people like me who might waste their time just to find out about this missing feature in the end.

If you would like to read more about unity remote , they have an excellent documentation.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

'Out of Reach' in the news

Polish newspaper 'Gazeta wyborcza' wrote an article about game development in Lodz. In this article there is a quite large fragment about Out of reach.
The author of course completely twisted most of what Kamil told him (this article was made based upon an interview with one of OOR developers) but never the less it is quite nice to be able to read about your project in the newspaper.

Made by

Made by

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Martin Fowler @ OOP2014 "Not Just Code Monkeys"

Martin Fowler @ OOP2014 "Not Just Code Monkeys"

Most important for me:

Programmers should be more involved in the creation of requirements.
Collaborate with Analysts and users to increase innovation.
Programmers should understand the domains that they are working with.
Do not accept dark patterns.
Big data can be used for bad purposes(intentionally or not!), it is a risk. How to store less data. How to not store data that will cause problems when it leaks out.
It is our responsibility to make it clear what risks (with collecting data) are.
What impact is the user having upon the world?
A lot of good productive work is the ordinary stuff (common social uses[printer drivers]).

Useful to  see:

One Hacker Way - Erik Meijer

A very inspiring presentation about what's wrong with Agile:

I would agree with some of the thesis stated there.